Personalized 4-diamond service, elegant amenities and a commitment to sustainability define the Hotel BLU experience.
Direct Booking is Best
Free Valet Parking
Guests who book directly with us enjoy valet parking free of charge.
Complimentary Breakfast
Book direct and enjoy a delicious free breakfast at our onsite Azure Lounge.
Best Rate Guarantee
When you book direct, you can be assured of receiving our best rate.
Peace of Mind
Be sure that you’re making a safe and secure booking directly through the hotel.
Our Rooms

Relax in Style & Comfort
Feel like a VIP in our spacious, uniquely appointed rooms, with thoughtful touches to enhance your stay.
Share your stories and stay connected to ours
Connecting with our guests is so important to us, and social media helps us maintain that connection, even after your stay. Share your experiences with us on Instagram and follow us to keep up what’s happening in the world of Hotel Blu.
Onsite Features
More than just a place to sleep.
Eat, drink, swim or work up a sweat–it’s all at your fingertips with our range of onsite amenities designed to make your stay smooth from start to finish.
Hotel BLU’s location puts you within just a few blocks of Vancouver’s biggest stadiums, its most historic neighbourhood and the beating heart of its downtown core.